Power Outage Aftermath

Posted by Thoughts and Ramblings on Thursday, October 5, 2006

Well, for those not in the area, the power went out last night. I had decided to meet some a friend and his wife for dinner last night at McAlister’s. I arrived there when the power was flickering. The power went out while they were still on the way.

The problem for them: Many of the traffic lights don’t work when the power is out. To make matters worse, when the power was flickering, the lights would commonly shift from green to flashing red, causing many wrecks.

Anyway, we were at McAlister’s, and they couldn’t serve food. Nathan called his dad, who lives out past Snook, and asked if they had power. He did, so we decided to drive out to Summerville to go eat. We found this nice steak place that served huge portions. I had to take half of it home, and I was hungry when we got there.

This morning, I found out that the power was back on. The stupid apartment complex’s network was out (as usual) and so I went to campus really early. When I got there, I found out that the server hadn’t fully booted because of the same stupid udevd problem it has always had. So a quick reboot later, and it was fine. Then I noticed that Mug Website was also down, so I made a quick trip over there. I almost felt guilty turning it on since the building’s AC was not working, but it is still up so I guess they got it fixed.

The remainder of the day was spent talking with various people about all the issues with the power outage. At least nothing major seemed to happen, but still not something I want to relive. At least it is all over now.