
Posted by Thoughts and Ramblings on Thursday, February 23, 2006

Well, this week was the Veritas Forum. I really only went to one talk through the thing. Unfortunately, I really wanted to go to the one Tuesday Evening by Dr. Hugh Ross, but I couldn’t because of Breakaway. He had another presentation at 4 where he presented some of a scientific theory which includes a creator of the universe. There was one statement that he made during the talk that caught my attention. He said that the Intelligent Design that is taught in the schools actually has no scientific basis behind it. This explained some of the statements I have heard in the scientific community which I previously attributed to just whining. It didn’t occur to me that teaching of Intelligent Design in a science classroom would not be done on a scientific basis, because I knew such a basis and theory does exist. I hope that people will start to actually teach the science behind the origin of life. I imagine that teaching Intelligent Design from a scientific viewpoint will receive far less criticism, leaving much of the remaining critics to be nothing more than kids crying when they can’t get their way.

A few other statements were interesting to hear. The first is that teaching of the science behind a creator has been more successful in public schools than it has in Christian schools. At first I thought this was odd, until I realized the perception that science and religion are always in conflict. Aren’t both supposed to point towards the truth? Correct religion, and correct science should actually exist in perfect harmony with no conflict. I almost call into question the faith of those who refuse to teach the science behind the origin of life. Is the concern that showing them the science would weaken their belief in God? If so, then this is a poor excuse. If the student is not exposed to this within school, they will be later in life. Not showing them the current theories and evidence will leave them unprepared for the time when they do see it.

The last statement which caught my attention had to do with the legality of teaching the idea of a creator of the universe in science classrooms. Essentially, if what is taught has a sound scientific foundation, then it can be taught, regardless of the religious implications.

I suppose I am too much of an idealist. I expect people to know what they believe and know the viewpoints supporting their own as well as the ones in direct conflict.